Brenda Reiss

  • Name:
    Brenda Reiss

  • Company:
    Brenda Reiss Coaching

  • Title:
    Transformation and Forgiveness Coach

  • Area of Expertise:
    Transformation and Forgiveness Coach, Author, Speaker

  • Speaking Topic #1:
    Leading with Heart- Letting Go of the Knots in Your Stomach

    Leadership is not just about your education and experience. It is about the heart. When you hold grudges it blocks your heart and can stop you from creativity, productivity and collaboration.

    Once you learn to free yourself up and utilize the magnitude of your heart, it creates a cohesive environment that allows for clarity, connection and compassion. Creating the life and business you desire.


    • Learn to create an environment of compassion which is a key component to great leadership.
    • Learn the costs of the knots in your stomach so the benefits resonate to create the change you desire.
    • Learn how forgiveness is a trainable skill that creates harmony in yourself and your relationships.
  • Speaking Topic #2:
    It’s Time to Move Forward! 5 Steps to Help You Step Into Your Power.

    During this presentation you’ll learn tips, tools and inspiration for reclaiming your power and igniting your soul.

    Takeaways from this talk:

    • Ways to Fix Your Power Leak
    • Honoring Yourself because You Matter
    • Bring in more peace, joy, creativity
  • Speaking Topic #3:
    Forgive to Thrive in 2024

    In this interactive conversation, Brenda will be sharing with you tips and tools to be able to Forgive and Thrive in 2024!


    • Forgiving ourselves
    • Building Resilience
    • Let go of resentment
    • Embracing Change
  • Hometown:
    Redmond, Washington

  • Will Travel:
    Nationally or locally?

  • Speaking Sample:

Brenda Reiss is a Forgiveness Coach who guides you to discover where harboring resentments can be sabotaging your personal and business lives, limiting your ability to achieve your goals and dreams. Through simple processes, you can find peace and clarity and the ability to show up whole and empowered in all areas of your lives. She is the host of the podcast “Forgive Yourself – A place to turn your Pain into Peace” and author of two books, “Forgive Yourself” and “Journey to Your Heart Space” that you can find on Amazon.

Spotlight Speaking Dates

Exceptional Connections® February Networking Event

February 14, 2023 @ 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

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